(Scheduled Bank)


Cash Credit Loan

For fulfillment of working capital requirements

SN Loan Type Eligibility Maximum Duration Maximum Amount
1 Hypothication CC Limit (Working capital limit)

Applicant have to become share holder of our Bank, must be Indian citizen & competent to contract

1 year As per the exposure norms of our bank
2 Immovable Property Loans (CC)

Applicant have to become share holder of our Bank, must be Indian citizen & compitant to contract

1 year Upto 15 lacs
3 Clean Cash Credit

Applicant have to become share holder of our Bank, must be Indian citizen & compitant to contract

1 year Upto 0.50 lacs
4 Working Capital Demand Loan

Applicant have to become share holder of our Bank, must be Indian citizen & compitant to contract

5 Years As per the exposure norms of our bank
5 Ware House Loans / Cash Credit Pledge

Applicant have to become share holder of our Bank, must be Indian citizen & compitant to contract

12 Months 70 % of the recent valuation of goods kept in the ware house